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Food Programs

Food Pantry

At least six times a month, food is made available to families and individuals in need. Participants may come to the Food Pantry once a month. It is a choice pantry, meaning participants can choose the items they wish to eat. Packaged food items, canned goods, some dairy products and frozen meats are obtained from Second Harvest Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley and Northeast Pennsylvania. Fresh produce from the Easton Urban Farm is available for approximately half of the year, In addition, the Food Pantry is the beneficiary of significant gleaning efforts from farms, farm stores and retail markets.


The Food Pantry will serve over 400 families (over 1,400 individuals) and 45,000 meals a year. The need is largely driven by low wages and high housing-related costs. The program is a frequent entry point for other services of The Neighborhood Center and other providers.


The Food Pantry is open the 2nd and 4th Wednesday from 4 PM to 6 PM and every Friday from 9 AM to 12 PM. 


Information regarding other food pantries in the Easton Area can be found at:


The Neighborhood Center     902 Philadelphia Rd, Easton PA 18042     610-253-4253

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